Sunday 7 February 2010

Props and Planning


First day of filming


Location: Gervias granddads house in pearly

Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Description of filming: party scene – me (Ben) sitting on sofa, in the centre of shot. People partying around me for an hour. We will then edit this in to fast motion (´1000).

Party people – dancing, drinking, smoking, talking.



  • alcohol (spirit bottles filled with replica liquid eg, water ect)
  • ipod speakers
  • cigarettes



  • Casual cloths


Second day of filming


 Location: Gervais estate in pearly

Time: 2:00 – 5:00

Description: walking shots of me (Ben) in estate.



  • Dog


Additional filming


First day of re-shot


Location: in my (Ben) room at my house


Time: 7:00 – all night (for the night sky shot)


Description: me doing smoke rings, bath shot, me going to sleep, night sky.



  • fake “spliff”
  • bath full of water
  • lamp
  • bed stuff


Second day of re-shot


Time: 6:00am-11:00am






Description: morning sky shot, me waking up, me rolling a fake “spliff”, shot of Brixton prison, shot of Brixton prison sign, shot of man whos come out of Brixton prison (this shot couldn’t be completed as I didn’t have a man to shoot).



  • fake “spliff”
  • piece of paper with “im free” written on it
  • sleeping cloths







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