Tuesday 10 November 2009


continuity editing is a technique to putt pieces of footage together in a smooth way giving them a logical coherence. This will mean the transitions from one shot to another are smoother giving it a journey feel which the audience can easily watch and understand. A good way of achieving this is by using match on action.
match on action is when you connect two different views of the same action at the same moment in the movement without giving it a stop and start feel. the key is to make the shots look smooth and uninterrupted. This gives the audience the feel that they are following the action.
another example of a technique that helps ensure continuity is using diegetic sounds. These are sounds that are happening in the story. This keeps logical coherence because it relates to whats happening on screen.

1 comment:

  1. here is a advert by E4 which explains continuity in a funny way
    it isn't on youtube so i couldn't embed it but heres a link :

